What about on skates skills? The common expression “like riding a bike” refers to the muscle memory of a trained skill and how easily it returns. So even with a 3+ month break, skating around the track should feel comfortable. That being said, skating is a specific motion that can’t be properly mimicked in the gym. Be prepared for you or your team mates to experience foot cramps and shins splints the first few practices back. Build in lots of breaks to your practice. On top of that, this muscle memory will only apply to skills you have previously mastered, so any skills you were still trying to learn are going to be a lot harder to return to. Consider slowing down more technical skills and teaching them from the ground up again.
Finally, we must address what many of us love in the sport: Full contact! It’s highly unlikely your team has been able to practice full contact while working out in their home gym. The more contact we make the higher our risk for injury. Jumping right back into full contact is a bad idea, instead, focus your first few weeks of practices on skills. As you move into strategy and plays, consider keeping them low contact and more technical at first. A really good idea is to spend a practice reviewing hitting techniques! Nobody wants to return to play and foul out because of elbows!